XVI European Congress of the EFBS – Joint Congress of EFBS and UNECE in Munich from 17 to 19 May 2010

« Housing Finance Beyond Subprime »

Monday 17 May 2010

Welcome extended by Christina von Schweinichen, Deputy Director – UNECE Environment, Housing and Land Management Division, und Mag. Herbert G. Pfeiffer, President of the European Federation of Building Societies

Keynote speech: Dr. Peter Ramsauer, Minister of Transport, Building and Urban Development of the Federal Republic of Germany

First Session: Guarantors of stability in times of crisis
Moderation: Alexander Nothaft

Dr. Thomas Westermann, ECB, Germany: « Housing finance in the euro area »

Ing. Slavomir Štastny, National Bank of Slovakia: « Building societies in the Slovak banking sector remain stable even in the crisis »

Alexandru Ciobanu, BCR Banca pentru Locuinte, Romania: « Market update: Romania »

Dr. András Botos, Association of Hungarian Mortgage Banks, Hungary: « FX-denominated mortgage loans in Hungary »

Tuesday 18 May 2010

Second session: The impact of the financial crisis worldwide
Moderation: Dr. Hartwig Hamm

Mag. Markus Neurauter, Raiffeisen evolution project development GmbH, Austria: « The effects of the financial crisis with a special view at housing construction in the CEE »

Petr Brich, Deloitte Advisory s.r.o., Czech Republic: « The impact of the financial crisis on the residential market development in the CEE »

Alain Tourdjman, Groupe BPCE – Banques Populaires Caisses d’Épargne, France: « Residential housing construction in the financial crisis: the case of France »

Francisco HernanGómez Cristóbal, Spanish Confederation of Savings Banks CECA, Spain: « The impact of the financial crisis worldwide: the Spanish case and the Cajas de Ahorros »

Third session: Regulation: Implementation of Basel II, risk management, International Accounting Standards reviewed
Moderation: Christian Ketzner

Kai Spitzer, European Commission: « Bank regulatory reform »

Klaus Ott, KPMG, Germany: « Regulatory changes in Europe due to the financial crisis – implications and need for action »

Fourth session: Strengthening customer confidence in housing finance
Moderation: Mag. Ernst Karner

Dr. František Klufa, Chief Arbiter of the Czech Banks, Czech Republic: « Strengthening consumer confidence in housing finance – the situation in the Czech Republic »

Jim Lally, Scottish Centre for Financial Education Learning and Teaching, United Kingdom: « Strengthening consumer confidence – the role of education »

Hans-Jürgen Kräh, TNS-Infratest, Germany: « Customer focus and customer confidence as success factors in housing finance »

Fifth session: The contribution of housing finance to energy efficiency
Moderation: Ing. Vojtěch Lukáš

Oda Scheibelhuber, Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Development, Germany: « The contribution of housing finance to energy efficiency »

Dr. Wolfgang Förster, City Government of Vienna, Austria: « Housing subsidies and energy efficiency »

Mag. Peter Szenkurök, Volksbank International, Austria: « Status quo: mortgage market in CEE »

Sixth session: The need for innovation: technical, social, demographic and cultural challenges
Moderation: Christian König

Gilles Saint Marc, Gide Loyrette Nouel A.A.R.P.I., France: « The current situation of Islamic Finance and its potential for the future »

Dalibor Šidlo, Asseco Group, Slovakia: « Using IT solutions as a tool for productivity increase and cost cutting »

Prof. Dr. Günther Schulz, University of Bonn, Germany: « Milestones of housing finance »

Closing session
Prof. Dr. Radermacher, University of Ulm, Germany (Selected slides)