EuBV-Stellungnahme vom 23. September 2013 zum Konsultationspapier der Europäischen Bankenaufsicht „On revision of the ‘Guidelines on Technical aspects of the management of interest rate risk arising from non trading activities in the context of the supervisory review process’ from 3 October 2006, under Articles 123, 124 and Annex 5 of Directive 2006/48/EC of the European Parliament and the European Council” (EBA/CP/2013/23)
EuBV-Stellungnahme vom 18. September 2013 zum Konsultationspapier des Baseler Ausschusses für Bankenaufsicht „Revised Basel III leverage ratio framework and disclosure requirements“
EuBV-Stellungnahme vom 25. Juli 2013 zum Konsultationspapier “Draft Implementing Technical Standards on Additional Liquidity Monitoring Metrics under Article 403(2) of the draft Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)”
EuBV-Stellungnahme vom 11. Juli 2013 „Position Paper on the consultation by the European Commission on the Structural Reform of the Banking Sector“ (in englischer Sprache)