September 2023
EuBV-Stellungnahme: Europäische Kommission will Abwicklungsrahmenwerk neu zuschneiden: EuBV spricht sich für Beibehaltung bisheriger Grundsätze aus
1 March 2023
EFBS position: Feedback from the European Federation of Building Societies on the EBA consultation on draft Guidelines on the overall recovery capacity in recovery planning form
November 2022
EFBS position: EFBS proposal for criteria for green mortgages and green loans
4 July 2022
EFBS position: Implementing the final Basel III reforms in the EU
12 March 2021
EFBS position: EFBS position paper on: ꞌꞌImplementing the final Basel III reforms in the EU”
4 February 2021
EFBS position: Feedback on the discussion paper on management and supervision of ESG risks for credit institutions and investment firms
18 December 2020
EFBS position: Feedback on the delegated act for the Taxonomy Regulation
19 November 2020
EFBS position: Feedback on the roadmap for updating VAT regulations for financial services
27 July 2020
EFBS position: Position paper in the context of the Action Plan for a comprehensive Union policy on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing
25 September 2020
EFBS position: EFBS comments on the ECB guide on climate-related and environmental risks
15 July 2020
EFBS position: on the sustainable finance consultation
8 June 2020
EFBS position: Feedback on the planned initiative for an EU-wide renovation wave
3 January 2020
EFBS position: on the European Commission’s public consultation document: ꞌꞌImplementing the final Basel III reforms in the EUꞌꞌ
30 September 2019
EFBS position on the EBA Consultation Paper Draft Guidelines on loan origination and monitoring (EBA/CP/2019/04)
Annex: Consultation Paper: Draft Guidelines on loan origination and monitoring
2 July 2019
EFBS position in the context of the evaluation of Directive 2002/65/EC
15 January 2019
EFBS position paper: Statement on the consultation on the reform of the Consumer Credit Directive: “Focus on obstacles to competition and clarifications in lending”
21 August 2018
EFBS position paper on the European Commission proposal for a Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers, and repealing Directive 2009/22/EC (2018/089(COD))
19 June 2018
EFBS position paper on EBA/CP/2018/07 and EBA/CP/2018/08 – Consultation papers on Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the specification of an economic downturn and on Guidelines for downturn LGD estimation
6 June 2018
EFBS position paper on BCBS 436 – Consultative document on the Revisions to the minimum capital requirements for market risk (March 2018)
29 May 2017
EFBS position paper on « EBA/CP/2017/02 – Draft Regulatory Technical Standards on the specification of the nature, severity and duration of an economic downturn in accordance with Articles 181(3)(a) and 182(4)(a) of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 »
Annex: EBA’s consultative document
10 February 2017
EFBS position paper regarding the consultation on Guidlines on PD estimation, LGD estimation and the treatment of default exposures (EBA/CP/2016/21)
Annex: Consultation paper
22 August 2016
EFBS position paper regarding the consultation organised by the European Banking Authority on the report on Implementation and Design of the MREL Framework
14 July 2016
EFBS position paper regarding the consultation organised by the European Banking Authority on LCR disclosure
20 June 2016
EFBS position paper regarding the consultation organised by the Basel Committee on contraints on the use of internal model approaches
Annex: Consultative document
24 May 2016
EFBS position paper on the Standardised Measurement Approach for operational risk (BCBS 355)
Annex: Basel Committee Consultative Document „Standardised Measurement Approach for operational risk” issued for comment by 3 June 2016